ABN - 87 661 275 252
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Community Participation

Benefits of Community Participation

AMAA Healthcare promotes individuals to participate in community activities such as NDIS community participation involvement, social contribution, and relationship management, all of which contribute to personal well-being. There are various advantages to becoming involved in the community.

Our community participation aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Recognizing specific interests and talents
  • Promotes a better grasp of social disability norms and expectations
  • Recognizing the link between disability and freedom and confidence


What is offered as part of our social and community services?

Being an active and engaged member of a community helps maintain valuable relationships, skills, and a sense of belonging. Feeling connected to one another – to family, friends, and community and culture – reduces anxiety and isolation and makes us feel supported. Whether you are living with a disability, or are an older member of the community, our team can work with you and your support networks to identify activities which align with your skills, interests and goals – as well as participate in these activities.

Our social and community services can include:

  • Helping you identify suitable activities
  • Planning your schedule/attendance
  • Accompanying you at events, whether community events, forums or shows, hobbies or leisure activities.
  • Supporting you in attending cultural and religious meetings or gatherings

Whatever you need, simply talk to our team about how we can help. Call us today at 0434 810 526 or contact us via our online contact form for a consultation to learn more about our community participation services and how we can help you.

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    Looking for a registered healthcare service provider? Call 0434 810 526 to get in touch.